Menopause and PCOS

Dr Sandra Jayesh
October 11, 2023
2 Minutes
PCOS and Menopause

Menopause and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are both related to hormones, but menopause does not cure PCOS. When you reach menopause, you may still experience some PCOS symptoms in addition to menopausal symptoms.

What are the common hormonal imbalances that occur during Menopause and PCOS?

Menopause causes a decrease in the production of female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, that causes ovulation to stop (technically a full year without  period signals is the start of Menopause). Women with PCOS may already have low progesterone levels prior to menopause. This means that, while both PCOS and Menopause affect progesterone levels in the blood, they do so in different ways and can aggravate your body's existing hormonal imbalance.

Does Menopausal cure PCOS?

Menopause causes many hormonal changes, but it does not guarantee that your PCOS will go away. The most effective way to manage your symptoms is to make lifestyle changes.

Most women discover they have PCOS in their twenties or thirties. However, PCOS can occur at any point during a woman's reproductive years, and it is not uncommon for women to develop the condition during peri menopause.

How important is it to consider PCOS even after Menopause?

Many women with PCOS are focused on fertility and having a family during their reproductive years, or they may be interested in managing the various symptoms. However, as one ages and enters menopause, an increased tendency to gain weight combined with insulin resistance can lead to more serious problems. PCOS women are at a higher risk of developing Metabolic Syndrome .This is a confluence of risk factors that can put a woman at risk for cardiovascular disease later in life. So, it is always better to be cautious.

How can one differentiate between Menopause and PCOS?

Menopause affects everyone differently, but there are some common symptoms of menopause that also appear in people with PCOS. As a result, distinguishing the two conditions can be difficult, especially if a patient first notices symptoms of PCOS in her 40s. Among these symptoms are:

  • Period irregularity or absence
  • gaining weight
  • Swings in mood
  • Sleeping problems
  • Hair growth is increased or new in areas such as the face and chest.
  • Sleeping problems

We , in Curate health, help and support women by giving a better understanding about women’s health and those with PCOS to make their lives healthy and better through Ayurveda, Lifestyle modifications, Yoga, Fitness, Personalised diet plans and friendly support.

Be aware of your health. Move forward little steps to make your life better. :)